Safeguarding Seminar for Commercial Events.

This course includes subjects and scenarios not normally covered in school safeguarding briefings and what an inspector may expect to see from your commercial department.
Do you fully understand your responsibility towards safeguarding ADULTS?
Do you have a DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) for out of hours and school holidays?
What must you do when renting out your facilities to a third party and where do your responsibilities begin and end?
Your safeguarding culture is only as strong as your weakest link.
It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself that those using your property have safeguarding in place and that risks are
identified and minimised.
This will highlight the systems that need to be in place, identify common risks and pitfalls and how you might mitigate these to ensure that your
lettings are safe and compliant.
This will include step by step advice on using the SEA Safeguarding matrix, designed by our Professional Advisors to guide you through each letting or event.
The SEA also run a very popular DSL course for Commercial Managers.

The seminar includes:

  • A walk through the new SEA Safeguarding Framework for Enterprise
  • Clear understanding of the boundaries between your responsibility and that of any lessees
  • A review and understanding of your responsibilities


Subject: Safeguarding for Commercial Events with Jane Bee Safeguarding
Date: Wed, 12 Mar, 2025
Time: 10am - 2pm
Location: Virtual - Zoom
Cost: £150 Members, £250 Non-Members (additional £50 per person) All prices are excluding VAT.
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