Kajima Community
Whether you’re already running a school lettings programme and could do with a helping hand to streamline your administration or if you’re yet to discover an efficient way to manage your lettings, Kajima Community can help. Our solutions help schools to not only reduce the amount of time spent administering lettings but will promote your facilities to potential hirers and in-turn, boost your lettings revenue. Our services are guaranteed to deliver efficiencies on your current system and increase your income.
We currently partner with over 300 schools across the country and know what it takes to deliver an efficient and cost-effective lettings programme for the benefit of your school and your community, so get in touch now and start your lettings journey with us.
Kajima Community, approaching 20 years of experience in the school lettings business, offers a software product, BookingsPlus , and a service, Bookings Guru to help schools connect with the community.